Members Rughooking Videos

RHM-JJA16_Cover11 and Beyond,

Bec Anderson’s Artist in Residency project,

teaching rug hooking in school, is featured in the latest issue of Rug Hooking Magazine with a link to a video on Bec’s website

While on the Guild Facebook page, there’s now two videos featuring the work of guild members, Judi Tompkins and Robin Inkpen.

Bec’s  “11 and Beyond” project was launched on December 4th, 2014, 2_punchneedle_hooking_chair_padthe inaugural International Rughooking Day. During 2015 at Tamborine Mountain State School in Queensland,  Bec took a class of 11 year olds through the process of learning how to design their own patterns and to use a punchneedle to hook them.

Members of Bec’s rug hooking group, the Happy Hookers, assisted Bec with these sessions in return receiving punchneedle lesson themselves.  

photo 1

  The local Men’s Shed also took part, building the frames for the students to use.


The project “11 and Beyond” was inspired by the shift in Queensland in 2015 12_QLD_Government_logowhen Year 7 students became the first year of high-school and  Year 6 (11 year olds) became the leaders of the 11_Becs_Project_headerprimary school.

This special issue of Rug Hooking Magazine features article focused on children and rug hooking from  Australia, Canada, Japan, England and the USA.  

There’s an article by Gene Shepherd  (Calif. USA) Education Chair of ATHA featuring young rug hookers and an easy and safe dye experience designed by him especially for kids.  

As always, this edition is packed full of interesting articles.  The magazine is available in Australia by subscription. I’m always delighted when my copy shows up in the post box as it did today. 

Jo Franco, Editor/Membership Chair

A Hooked Chook

 otherwise known as “Judi’s Folly”


Created by Judi Tompkins, 2016 “Palimpsest” Landsborough, QLD

According to Wikipedia : In architecture, a folly (French term folie – meaning foolishness) is a building constructed primarily for decoration, but suggesting through its appearance some other purpose, or appearing to be so extravagant that it transcends the range of garden ornaments usually associated with the class of buildings to which it belongs.   18th century English gardens and French landscape gardening often featured mock Roman temples, symbolizing classical virtues.

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1 images[3]1 Sculpture_à_Parc_de_la_Villette,_Paris,_France_juillet_2010[1]






In English, the term began as “a popular name for any costly  non-functional structure erected to enhance the natural landscape”.

Hence the terms use for Judi’s installation which to date, has not stopped growing in the middle of her living room!

4 IMG_4318[1]Having made several wall-hangings using the 3D Waldoborough technique (in the extreme)

Judi had a desire to make a full size 3D hooked project.

This ladder no longer in use, and her interest in birds and fowl, was the catalyst for the chook project.


First the pattern for the chook (Bertha) was drawn onto hessian


Then begain the hooking using novelty “Eyelash” yarn, the finished shape was stuffed with wool.

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The ladder was bought into play and the chook perched upon it.

7 Hooked_Chook_by_Judi_Tompkins_QLD_Australia

At this point Judi’s creative sense went into over-drive; the chook needed a nest and if it was going to have a nest shouldn’t there be some eggs?

8 Chook on nest

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And as eggs tend to do    –    they started to hatch

Chick with a face only a mother could luv!
Chick with a face only a mother could luv!

Members of Judi’s rug hooking group who’d seen this installation starting to take shape felt they too wanted to be involved.

Bea showed up with a two specimens of fowl she’d created in a pottery class

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and along with Judi Owen and Ann Naisworth (NSW) they started to collect feathers for the project

Who laid the Golden Egg

… by this time it had grown to include a mat beneath the ladder into which realistic grass and plants had been hooked and other birds and birds nest from Judi’s collection had been placed.

Rooster and hen
Rooster and hen

The circular mat is a massive art work in itself 15 feet (458cm) in circumference and weighing over 6kg.

A video of this huge rug hooking effort was made by Kira Mead using the outline of my blog, with voice over by husband Warren. With the addition of some funky Chicken song music, it created something that made us all smile.

So the video, even though it was only a trial effort, was posted on the Guild Facebook page.   For those of you who may not have seen it, here it is the link

Congratulations to Judi on such a creative effort and to Kira for being clever and persistent and conquering the digital battle of learning how to bring it all online.

I have certainly enjoyed being Judi’s sounding board through the construction of this installation.                          Jo Franco,  Editor


Rughooking Demonstrations in Queensland

First Annual Kingaroy Winter Craft Festival at the Kingaroy Art Gallery   Opening night 7th June, 2016

Judy Brook will demonstrate rug hooking for a week in Gallery 3 at the Kingaroy Art gallery during the WINTER CRAFT FEST.    Visit her rug room set up as RUG MAKING PARAPHENALIA AND OTHER VINTAGE EPHMERA showcasing various types of rug making, collections of books and tools and rugs and other vintage craft.

When asked about this rug –  Judy said…

I made it for my first grandchild after he was born, and being a boy I put all the roads around it and, car parts, heli-pads etc and yes the New Zealand fern, as I was living in Cromwell, Central Otago, New Zealand when I made it.

I had so many colours going into it that I put them in piles around the lounge room behind the couch so I could have easy access.  I have it in his room in my house and he plays on it every time he comes to visit. 

The Red Earth Ruggers will meet at Judy’s home for their next Rug Day on Monday 13th of June – for details [read more] under QLD on the Rug Groups page.

An Ambitious Community Project

Surf Club & Rughooking?  

  An update from Bermagui on the south coast of New South Wales

The Bermagui & District U3A Rughooking Group meets every Friday afternoon to work on an ambitiouBermagui_panel_3s community project.

The twelve women involved are hooking seven large wall panels (1m wide x 1.4m high) to hang in the local Surf Club to beautify it and to absorb sound.

The design is based on a panorama of the area drawn by artist Rona Walker and then transferred to the hessian panels.

The rug hookers have added personal touches such as birds, surfers, vehicles and even a hot-air balloon!


The project was conceived by Dawn Hollins, who organises the group, and instructed by Lin Potter, the only experienced rug hooker when the group formed almost two years ago.

Work on the panels began early in 2015 and several have already been completed.


(The retreating figure gives an indication of the size of these panels)



Editors Note:   Miriam Miller and her group in Milton continue to be interested and supportive, and recently visited the Bermagui Surf Club to see the progress.  I am told the group is well advanced with this project and expect to have the panels up on the wall by the end of the year.


Canberra Retreat and Exhibition


Call for Entries :

 It is now less than 4 months before the Australian Rugmakers Weekend Retreat & Exhibition in Canberra, ACT at the Woolshed in Strathnairn.   Planning is now well under way.

There will be a Guild General Meeting on Saturday 3rd Sept and the Exhibition will be opened by Nancy Tingey on Sunday 4th Sept.

I am sure our members are busy making amazing rugs, big and small.  (Entry Forms). 

It is going to be a very special event with talks by guest textile artists and how-to demonstrations, plus meeting up and enjoying the company of rug makers from around the county.  

I can’t wait to see all my rug friends and their work very soon.      Maggie

Maggie_Whyte_V_Pres_Secretary_ARGMaggie Whyte, Curator,  CANBERRA, EXHIBITION AND RETREAT, 

SEPT 4th to 25th, 2016


Pod in old gum tree StrathnairnEditors Note: Maggie’s already had work on display at Strathnairn; this hooked pod was photographed in the grounds.  Maggie made the felt, dyed it and then cut the felt into strips and hooked the strips into hessian.   

Look for more or Maggie’s very creative works on the Guild Facebook page.    

Jo  Franco, Editor/Membership Chair

Events Calendar update

The Yarra Valley Rug Makers had a meeting with a difference on the 9th April.

It was a busy day for them. Here is what Chris Noobergen had to say …….

Only three of us were present at the Westernport Craft Fair, run as a yearly fundraiser by the local Hastings Uniting Church. Many people came passed the Yarra Valley booth where Anne (pictured below) and I demonstrated the genteel craft of making a hooked rug.


Some had a go a pulling loops, two young girls just loved it and got the hang of it very quickly. Children were a delight to teach and catch on quickly.


Anne’s lovely sunflower proggy rug attracted a lot of attention with it’s colour contrasts.Proggy_Sunflowers_designed_and_created_by_Anne_VIC_Australia

As most of us rug hookers have discovered many people confuse what we do with latchet hook rug making.  It was a long day and we were glad to go home at the end of it.    Chris

Editors Note:  It would have been a very long day for the Yarra Valley Rugmakers, as  Westernport is about a 140k round trip from the Yarra Valley.  You can read more about the Yarra Valley Group on their blog where you’ll see more images of their work, like this rug designed and hooked by Chris,

Bird of Paradise-[Strelitzia]_rug_designed_and_Hooked_by-Chris_Noorbergen_VIC_Australia

and a proggy rug being created by Robyne, a member of the group, on a frame purchased on a visit to Miriam Miller’s Rug Room in Narrawilly, NSW.


Robyne says: I’m really enjoying doing this rug. It’s slow work, takes tons and tons of cloth, is terribly messy, gives me a sore neck but it’s fun!   Obviously, it will need some trimming later. I bought the frame via Miriam Miller at Narrawilly Rugs. It sits on a couple of old trestle legs in my sewing room so I can pop in and do some every day. I signed up for a ’10 minute a day pledge’ on Rug Hooking Daily, which is good because you invariably do way more.



Under Control

Preparation_for_Beanie_making_Alice_Springs_Beanie_ContestAs I struggle to keep wool for the two different projects I’m working on separated, this idea sent in by Judith Stephens (Guild Pres.), is just what I need. The only problem is, I don’t have time to stop and make up the baskets, so I’ll continue with my tangle of yarn/strips in the  dreaded plastic bags.       Then ……………….  I’ll get organized!    (I’m modelling Margaret’s hand-knit Beanie, to be decorated with quillies, destined for the Alice Springs Beanie Exhibition – my beanie is still under construction.)

Here’s what Judith had to say  …….


I decided that I should use up the rather large bucket of ‘bits’ that I have accumulated over the past year or two!  Whenever I dye some wool, I tie the skeins with about half a metre of yarn which also gets dyed in the dye bath.  

These I collect – just because I am too stingy to throw them out!  And of course, there are always little leftover pieces of yarn from my projects.

Problem_tangle_of_coloured_wool_stripsAnyway, I needed to keep the colours in some kind of order, so I needed some baskets.  I bought some gutter guard plastic


and made the baskets


 Because they come in a long length, I can make the ‘basket’ as big as I need.  There is no base in this basket, but it doesn’t seem to matter.

So now, the colours are sorted, and I started on the rug


It’s nearly finished, but it still leaves me with a very large bucket of bits to use up……..


That all sounded so simple but I just had to ask Judith about the “bottomless” basket – her answer was ……

I have half-a-dozen of these ‘baskets’ and they sit on my hooking trolley.  If I need to move the basket, then I just put my hand under the basket and the bits don’t fall out.  What’s good about these, is the fact that I can make them as big as I need and they are easily stored flat, so don’t take up much room.  I’ve also locker hooked one length and have it around a pot plant – I’ll take a photo of that tomorrow morning when the sun is shining!                                                                                                                           I do have another plan to use up the bits!

Locker hooking on plastic grid – that sounds like an interesting project. Beats having to search for the locker hooking mesh which isn’t readily available, although there is an online supplier on the Guild SWAP n SELL page.

Maybe I’ll find a local supplier at the Perth Craft & Quilt Fair in a few weeks. The Fair runs from 18th to 22nd May at the Perth Exhibition & Convention Centre.

Jo Franco, Editor

So What’s NEW?

the Guild Website!   it’s been revamped –

now mobile & iPad friendly, includes an updated Events Calendar, additions to the SWAP n SELL page and another Book Review by Miriam Miller. 

Printed by Nimbus Publishing Ltd ISBN 978-1-55109-846-3 Paperback ISBN 978-1-55109-829-6 Bound    Miriam Miller received a copy of   A Lifetime of Rug-Hooking ‘ by Doris Eaton,  from the TIGHR member who received Miriam’s hooked Friendship Square at the 2015 The International Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers Triennial Conference in Victoria, BC Canada.

Speaking of Canada – Miram and the Narrawilly Proggers  enjoyed a visit from a group of Nova Scotia ruggers who were on a South Pacific cruise.  Miriam (second from right) said ..    Canadians_on_Sth_Pacific_cruise_Cindy_Betty_and_Cathy_with_Miriam_Miller_in_NSW_Australia

it was brief a day and a half. but we managed to fit in many things. Walks on the beaches, a progressive dinner then a rug day, a visit to the milking for Cindy who comes from a dairy farm, and to see the kangaroos at the Conjola Caravan park, they come out each evening for the grass. Even a short bush walk to Granite Falls.”

I’m sure there’ll be more about this visit in the next issue of Miriam’s Narrawilly newsletter  “Connecting Us“.

Miriam Miller, rughooking instructor, NSW Australia_photo, Gillian Lett Milton Ulladulla Times
Miriam Miller, rughooking instructor, NSW Australia_photo, Gillian Lett Milton Ulladulla Times

Miriam has also recently hosted a rug hooker from Darwin – who came on a Thursday for a private workshop and stayed overnight to take part in the Rug Day, held in the Rug Room at Narrawilly on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month.

Miriam_Millers_Rug_Room_Narrawilly_Australia_photographer_Nina_&_Michael_van_ Ewijk






On the Guild’s SWAP n SELL page you will find a new frame with “substitute” grippers. These frames have been used by several guild members and reports are, the substitute works well. The frame is available on both the East and West Coast.

A very different frame made in South Australia and featured on Swap Sell was sold to a rughooker in Nova Scotia.  Who’d have thought frames would be going from OZ to Canada when there is so much available in the way of rug hooking equipment over there.

  “NETWORKING”  –  it’s happening on the Guilds Facebook page – 

Cat_elusive_grey_rug_designed_&_hooked_by_Ann_Nickle_Bellingen_NSW_Australia_5816the post about a search for grey army blankets to finish off a large rug  generated much interest.  As soon as the post went up five members from across the country answered the call about the elusive blankets. After Ann’s had a chance to contact them I’ll let you know if any were suitableHooked_&_ woven_rugs_designed_&_created_by_Ann_Nickle_Bellingen_NSW_Australia_coloured grey woven _5799

 As you’ll see from a stack of her rugs shown here, Ann from Bellingen doesn’t only work with muted greys and blues.  

Most of Ann’s rugs are hooked, however like the denim rug shown some are woven and there’s even a  crocheted rug in the stack.






Judi_Tompkins_QLD_Austrlaia_with new_rughooker

Judi Tompkins not only gives workshops at her Shed studio in Landsborough, QLD, she now has a student in the Netherlands – giving her  rughooking lessons via Skype. 

Read more about Judi’s background and her creations on her website.

And then there’s the Chook Folly or maybe it’ll become Judi’s Folly –  more about this project in another blog.    Hooked_Chook_by_Judi_Tompkins_QLD_Australia

Western Australia:

Another interesting online happening;  the colourful works of Kira Mead from Albany Western Australia, were featured on Folt Bolt an inspiring website worth following.


Some of Kira’s recent pieces,  will be displayed at Expertise Events  Craft & Quilt Fair in Perth  including this large wall hanging shown below – the oranges and tree created with quillies and the leaves crocheted.






 Colour Abounds in WA :-

Robin Inkpen has been giving locker hooking workshops in the South West. Locker-hooked_Tote_Bag_designed_&_hooked_by_Robin_Inkpen_Donnybrook_Western_Australia

More workshops are scheduled and participants will be making this tote bag from a kit prepared by sold by Robin. 

It’s not as elaborate as her bespoke carpet bags, but is an easier project for beginners.












From the Editor:

Don’t forget to click or tap on  Current Events to see what’s happening in your area.   Be sure and let us know if you have an event planned, or if you know of an upcoming associated textile event.  Send details to Jo at

Until next time   –   Happy Hooking    –     Jo Franco;  Editor/Membership

Elusive grey blankets

Looking for elusive grey army blankets
Looking for elusive grey army blankets

  Can you help?

Maxine, leader of the Bellingen Rugmakers group, says “this grey rug is being made by Ann, it’s about 12 x 8 feet and made with up-cycled grey woolen blankets. Ann has run out of a pale grey army type blanket with only about 5 circles to go, so we are all looking for that elusive grey blanket. The denim one beside it is made from jeans and woven.”

(If you can help in Ann’s quest to find one of these blankets, please contact

Anne's_rug_almost_complete      “The grey unfinished rug and the grey one Ann is now working on are both 12 feet by 8 feet.

Ann designs her own rugs and uses a linen /cotton mix for her backing. She has sewn the pieces together with her first rug and with the second has used iron on fusible hemming on the cut sides, it sits much better and stays in place.”

From Ann – This photo shows how much is left to do.   Anne's_rug_detail

    The close-up photo shows a complete circle. The grey I need is the third colour of the petal shape and the double row within the diamond shape. It seems to be the lightest colour of the old service blankets.

But as you know any shade of grey is appreciated by me as other shades can be used for the rug I am working on now.

Here is more of what Maxine had to say …..

We have a very enthusiastic and lovely group who look forward to meeting the 1st Friday of each month.  

Maxine, Aishwarya, Lyndal, Phornthip, Ann, Anna_Bellingen_Rugmakers_NSW_Australia
Bellingen Rugmakers Group:  (Right to Left) Maxine, Aishwarya, Lyndal, Phornthip, Ann, Anna.

At the end of August last year the group went to Gleniffer about 20 miles from Bellingen to demonstrate rag rugging at the Gleniffer Quilt show.  Gleniffer was once all dairy farms and is such a pretty area, nestled at the bottom of the Dorrigo mountains there is a Church and a hall. The proceeds of the Quilt Show helps maintain the hall. There is a small river running beside the hall and Church and just a couple of hundred yards further on is the Promised Land it is really a lovely area.

From the Editor:    While Ann works in shades of grey, the other members of this group, all relatively new to rug hooking, are drawn to colour as you will see in images of their work below – undoubtedly inspired by the vibrant colours in the surrounding landscape.




Bellingen Rugmakers



Bellingen_Rugmakers_NSW_Australia - Phornthip
Bellingen_Rugmakers_NSW_Australia - Merle


Update:  Immediately this was posted word was received from QLD that a grey army blanket is available there and a couple of blankets were located in WA.  Also images just came in from Chris and Anne from VIC who have blankets available –

grey blanket (minus the pink tinge, its on the photo not the blanket) from Chris-VIC

Grey blankets from Ann-VIC
Grey blankets from Ann-VIC

Return to the roots of this craft

TIGHR Logo RSWelcome to TIGHR’s Hooking Matters !

You’ve been invited by the Board of

The International Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers, (TIGHR)

                            now based in the UK

                                      to read about their initial plans for the next three-year term (2015-18)

                                       in the first edition of their members newsletter –  Hooking Matters Vol 23 Issue 1

The TIGHR mission statement reads:

The International Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers is a global organization of creative people who come together in friendship to share ideas, and to explore the different techniques of the art of rugmaking using a variety of fibres.

This image  “Admiring the rug” says it all  –


Admiring the rug (39” x 32”) was designed and hooked by Membership Chair Diane Cox, who says ….

“I designed this rug to show the enjoyment in showing your latest rug to a friend, over a cup of tea, while it is rainy and grey outside! Hooked and prodded it with a mix of recycle fabrics on hessian.”

The newsletter contains interesting articles, and the images of the scenic Yorkshire Dales, will make readers who hail from these parts, and those of us who have already visited, long to return.

Want a membership form  and having problems with the one attached to the newsletter ?You’ll also find a membership form on the TIGHR website